Kerken Kijken _ door Nina Slagmolen 2019-45


Kerken Luisteren presenteert: Lisa Defeyter en Joshua Kurniadi in de Catharinakathedraal

27 augustus 2021

In deze vierde editie van Kerken Luisteren ligt de focus op talentontwikkeling. Vanaf 28 juli kun je vijf weken lang iedere woensdag en één vrijdag een gratis lunchconcert bijwonen. Na afloop vragen wij je een (vrijwillige) bijdrage die rechtstreeks naar de muzikanten gaat.


Lisa Defeyter - mezzo-sopraan

Born in Belgium, Lisa Defeyter has as much interest for the Latin and Germanic languages. After obtaining her Master’s Degree in engineering, she joins the class of Florence Katz and then Mary Saint-Palais in the conservatory of Rueil-Malmaison (Paris area). She becomes a member of the Opera Studio in Charleroi (run by Cécile Bolle and Marcel Vanaud) in 2018 and sings Javotte in Manon (Massenet) at the PBA and then a Commère in Angelique (Ibert) in 2019 in Paris. She later performs in Mendelssohn’s Lobgesang in Nantes (and should have in Utrecht in 2020). After graduating in classical singing in France, she moves to Utrecht and starts studying at the conservatory with Dobrinka Yankova. She recently sung in the Midzomer Festival in the Geertekerk (Utrecht), in the OperaVIva Festival (Woerden) and she will be singing in the Concert PROMS (Nieuwegein) on the 28th of August and in the garden edition of Gluren bij de Buren in September.

Joshua Kurniadi - piano

Despite being born in a country that does not appreciate classical music as much as European countries, piano has always been an important aspect of Joshua’s life. Since young, Joshua’s parents have realized that he had the potential to become a pianist. Joshua's father who has been teaching piano lessons, always encouraged him to pursue his goals. 18 years later, he is still chasing his dream to learn more about piano, both classical and jazz, and aspire to become a great pianist. This is the reason why he chose to study at HKU conservatory and fly to Netherlands, a country which is 11,000 away from his own country, Indonesia. Before coming to Netherlands, he has of course participated in multiple Southeast Asia piano competitions and events, such as Jakarta Conservatory of Music Piano competition and Singapore International Piano Competition. He was even nominated as the highest scorer for the Indonesian ABRSM diploma.

Lisa Defeyter en Joshua Kurniadi studeren momenteel aan het HKU Utrechts Conservartorium.

Catharinakathedraal, Lange Nieuwstraat 36, Utrecht
Tijd: het concert start om 13.15 uur en duurt tot 14.00 uur (inloop vanaf 13.00 uur)
Lisa Defeyter (mezzo-sopraan) en Joshua Kurniadi (piano)
Genre: Klassieke muziek
Reserveren: klik hier of ga naar 

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